Once you have a compensation matrix and wish to examine it, you will be using the Matrix Editor. If you acquired your data with single-stain controls and wish to compensate it using FlowJo, read this chapter. CHAPTER 2 – Creating a FlowJo compensation matrix from single stain controls If, for any reason, you want to alter the matrix values, read this chapter. This keyword is read and data in the file are compensated when the data is read into FlowJo. This brief guide is to help users new to compensation calculations and experienced flow-maestros alike breeze through this process in a. Many data files contain their own pre-defined compensation matrix keyword, which was written when the file was created. The Compensation Wizard in FlowJo is one of the most frequently used platforms, and by extension potentially the greatest source of confusion on a per-cytometrist basis.
How to Download and Sign into FlowJo (1 of 17) How to Install FlowJo on Mac (2. CHAPTER 1 – Altering an acquisition matrix The compensation matrix is represented by the grid to the left of the sample name. Poorly scaled data will effect downstream compensation, so get into the habit of adjusting transforms through the “T” button in FlowJo’s graph window, prior to opening the compensation wizard for single stained control assignment. Note, Compensation should always be preceded by scaling your data appropriately. AutoSpill is an integrated compensation algorithm recently added to FlowJo that will automatically produce a compensation matrix, improving the estimation of. For your convenience, this document is broken into chapters. This page will help acquaint you with the various ways to interact with Compensation Matrices in FlowJo.